Thursday, September 15, 2011

A lot of what I've been doing is working on this story . . . drawn out in storyboards . . . about Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Frankenstein hiking together through the Alps. But I really don't know how to post that here, so you get links!

The Cliffs of Insanity (part 1)
and here we have (part 2)

I think I liked this one better as a thumbnail. :B


And aside from that it's mostly commissions?
I'm never ever sure where I should put these?

Finally I am trying to learn needlefelt! I have no idea how to photograph things, is all I have to say.


  1. Nice post! I love the Black and white commission you did. So sweet and simple.

  2. omg, Zubat! I hated him in the game because he'd ALWAYS pop up. But you made him utterly adorable!! Love it.
